Pellowah - Reiki Sound Healing Crystals

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Pellowah Healing Technique
The healing effects of Pellowah are a wonderful by product of a “Shift in Consciousness”. You may experience new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life.

In addition through the Pellowah healing technique you may also experience the following:
  • Increase your personal capacity for positive change
  • Empowers you to take charge of your life
  • Generates new and expanded perspectives
  • Attain a new lightness and sense of well being that increases over time
  • Create a stronger connection to Source/The Divine
  • Remove blocks, enabling clearer guidance
  • Increased intuition
  • Realign the body meridians
  • Connect the strands of DNA
  • Activate the connected DNA
  • Calming of emotions
  • Greater feeling of Inner peace and clarity of mind
  • Increase inner strength and confidence
  • Overcome fear, self doubt, anxiety and depression

Pellowah is the name given to an energy healing technique first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your capacity for positive change: To enable you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions Kachina founded the Pellowah Healing Technique and began to train others in this new energy modality in 2004.   

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its primary reason for being channelled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity.  Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light.

Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner.  Pellowah is direct from source to the person receiving the healing. A practitioner receives the attunments that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving. There is no diagnosis or interpretation by the practitioner. Pellowah is simple, yet powerful.

As the person receiving you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time. Many people are drawn to attune to Pellowah for their own spiritual growth and enlightenment, rather than for use as a Practitioner. Once attuned their is no requirement for you to use this Energy Healing Technique as a practitioner.
Unlike other “Healing” modalities, Pellowah is pure source energy and is direct to the receiver in this form. This technique is unusual in that no candles, essential oils,  flower essences, music etc, along with other modailities may be used with or combined with Pellowah.

Pellowah Level l & ll Attunements are conducted over a 2 day Workshop by a fully trained and registered Pellowah Teacher. All teachers are registered with Kachina and receive a teacher number. Level lll or Teacher Training Attunemtns are facilitated by Kachina Ma’an in Australia and a number of other countries where Pellowah Practitioners  are based.

Clients are fully clothed during the “Hands Off “ session lasting 45-60 minutes. Each Pellowah session is different! Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is for the client.

Pellowah calls to you at the time that is right for you! Whether client or practitioner, Pellowah is here for your awakening and personal growth.  

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