Shaman Lemurian Chakra Essential Oils are a blend is manufactured to strict ancient Sanskrit & Yogi recipe and designed to balance individual Chakra. Each essential oil is packaged in a 10ml bottle with drop lids. Lemurian Chakra Oils are of the highest quality, are produced locally from Australian Oils.
Please call 6947 125 512 or email us info@shaman.gr
This is the first Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine; this centre is our link with the physical world. It absorbs energy from the planet and is able to "refine" this energy for use within our system. This Chakra is concerned with issues related to our self-preservation, survival and security. The energies of the root Chakra impact on the body via the adrenal glands. They may also affect the functioning of the kidneys and the spine.
Physical imbalances in the root chakra include problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostrate gland. Those with imbalances here are also likely to experience issues of degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation. Emotional imbalances include feelings affecting our basic survival needs: money, shelter and food; ability to provide for life’s necessities.
When this chakra is balance, you feel supported, a sense of connection and safety to the physical world, and grounded. Oils - Frankincence, Cedarwood, jojoba golden.
2. NAVAL CHAKRA or Sacral Chakra
This is the second Chakra it is located at the sacral bones of the spine, below the navel, these centre processes all issues connected with our creativity, sexuality and ability to play and express joy.
The energies of the sacral Chakra impact on the body via the sex glands. They may also affect the urogenital organs, the uterus, kidneys, the lower digestive organs and lower back. When in a balanced state, the sacral Chakra vibrates to the colour orange.
Located two inches below your navel. Physical imbalances include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and low back pain. Emotional imbalances include our commitment to relationships. Our ability to express our emotions. Our ability to have fun, play based on desires, creativity, pleasure, sexuality. Fears of impotence, betrayal, addictions. When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, we are creative, we are committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing. Oils - Jasmine, Bergamont, Sandlewood, Jojoba golden
This is the third Chakra. It is located just below the diaphragm. These centre processes all issues connected with the mind and emotions, personal power and sense of self. Feelings of discomfort in this region may affect the diaphragm and our ability to breathe properly. The energies of this Chakra impact on the body via the pancreas. They may also affect the gastric nerve, digestive system, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and stomach,balanced state, the solar plexus. Located three inches above your navel.
Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon diseases. Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem, our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical appearances. When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive, confident. This chakra is all about focusing on self-acceptance. Oils- Frankincence, Rosemary, Basil, Jojoba Golden
This is the fourth Chakra. It is located in the centre of the chest. This Chakra processes all issues concerned with love, especially unconditional love and concern for others. The energies of this Chakra impact on the body via the thymus gland and can further affect the heart, lungs, chest, upper back and arms.Located at the heart. Physical imbalances include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain. Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness. When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained. This chakra is all about I Love. Oils -Rose, Neroli, Geranium.
This is the fifth Chakra. It is located in the throat. This Chakra processes all issues of communication, expression and judgement. The energies of this Chakra impact on the body via the thyroid gland and can further affect the neck, throat, ears, nose, mouth and teeth. When in a state of balance, the throat Chakra vibrates to the colour sky blue.
Physical imbalances include thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, any facial problems (chin, cheek, lips, tongue problems) neck and shoulder pain. Emotional imbalances include issues of self-expression through communication, both spoken or written. Fear of no power or choice. No willpower or being out of control.
When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing of words, expression, communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good listeners.
The chakra is to speak up and let your voice be heard. Oils - Jasmin, Clary Sage, Sandlewood, Jojoba Golden
This is the sixth Chakra. It is located in the middle of the forehead. This Chakra processes all issues of psychic and intuitive awareness. Known since ancient times as the Third Eye. The energies of this Chakra impact on the body via the pituitary gland and can further affect the nervous system, brain, face and eyes. Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.
Physical imbalances include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function. Emotional imbalances include issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection; An inability to look at ones own fears, and to learn from others. Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination. When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight.
The chakra is all about being able to see the big picture. Oils- Lavender, Jojoba Golden
This is the seventh Chakra. It is located at the top of the head. This Chakra processes all issues arising from our relationship with all things spiritual. The energies of this Chakra impact on the body via the pineal gland in the brain and can further affect the brain and the rest of the body. Located at the top of the head. Physical imbalance include depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound, environment. Emotional imbalances include issues with self-knowledge and greater power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality, constant confusion, carry prejudices, “analysis paralysis.” Fear of alienation. When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.
This chakra is live mindfully. Oils - Frankincence, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage.
Please email call 6947 125 512 or info@shaman.gr for more information about this product.
Shaman only sources Essential oils from reputable suppliers, and are all of the highest quality, are local, and are accredited by the Australian Certified Organics Association. They also conform to strict criteria set down by international bodies such as The British Pharmacopoeia (B.P.), International Organisation for Standardisation. This ensures that all of the essential oils we sell meet the highest possible standards and that you receive only the best product to be used in your Chakra Essential oil selection.
Our Oil producers are accredited by the Australian Certified Organics Association.They also conform to strict criteria set down by international bodies such as The British Pharmacopoeia (B.P.), International Organisation for Standardisation. This ensures that all of the essential oils we blend and bottle meet the highest possible standards, and guarantee that you receive only the best Chakra Essential oil selection.
Peace, Love and Light