Reiki Master Teachers
Pellowah Teachers Practitoners
Shamanism - Energy Sound Therapy
Lemurian Atlantian Reiki Master
George Patounas

Reiki Usui & Lemurian Master Reiki Teacher Practitioners

Reiki's Universal Life force energy is said to be the essential underlying energy common to all living things, creating everything from the densest objects of all matter to the highest levels of consciousness. Reiki plays an important role within all living functions of all living beings. Combined with sound healing is a very powerful healing modality.
Reiki may help and assist with all forms of illness, disease and disorder, it may be present as a
. Physical
. Emotional
. Mental or spiritual manifestation
. You're feeling tired, unable to sleep
. You're at a low point in your life
. Your body does not feel as it should
. You are experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear or some other emotions
. You have anxiety, depression or stress related illnesses
. You cannot get motivated because you are stuck, pessimistic, lacking confidence
. You have issues within your personal and professional relationships
. You just need that extra energy boost in your life
What Can Reiki Be Used For?
· To provide relaxation and reduce stress
· To ease emotional problems, grief, anxiety
· To assist with more restful sleep
· To assist with relief from headaches and other pain
· To assist in recovery from illness, injury or surgery
· As an excellent preventative health measures

Pellowah Europe
Pellowah is the name given to an energy healing technique first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your capacity for positive change: To enable you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions Kachina founded the Pellowah Healing Technique and began to train others in this new energy modality in 2004.
Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner. Pellowah is direct from source to the person receiving the healing. A practitioner receives the attunments that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving. There is no diagnosis or interpretation by the practitioner. Pellowah is simple, yet powerful.